wtorek, 10 marca 2015

Anna Pawelska in Budapest

I was happy to be the one of the four students from Białystok that was able to participate in workshops in Budapeszt. This was an unusual experience as the work was really independent. We could do anything connected with the main topic: "I, puppet".

I found it as very interesting experiment: putting us together and let us laught, fight and see how do we really work as an international group, with all those language, and first of all: thinking barrier. There were some tough days but finally we found common language- with thinking and speaking.

Workshops made me notice very obvious things: how important having barrier is, to remember about equality during work and never lose patience. They are of course obvious, but important as well.

I was also impressed how our colleagues from different school have been working. And I must say that I am so in love with the city of Budapeszt! 

Anna Pawelska

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