wtorek, 10 marca 2015

Shadow theatre workshop

Led by PhD Magdalena Kiszko-Dojlidko

Shadow theatre is an extremely attractive means of expression through its mysteriousness, fictitiousness and ephemarality as well as rich realization potential. The workshops' aim was to bring closer the possibilities of traditional and contemporary shadow theatre.

The workshop participants could hear two lectures describing the diversity of shadow techniques and forms in correlation to other art and science areas, emphasising that shadow itself was and still is an important element of religion and ritual, giving specific information about the development of shadow theatre in different countries and regions.

The practical part of the workshop was divided into three stages:

Stage 1 – natural shadow

By making use of specifically situated lights that imitated the sun light, solo and pair etudes were made with the shadow projected on the floor (e.g. when posing own body). The shadows created with the use of participants' own bodies were taped. It created a series of shapes that were named and signed.

Stage 2 – Work with own body in group exercises – continuation

The participants created shadows of an object, a plant and an animal from their own bodies put into specific positions. 

The participants got acquainted with 'crack of light' technique and used it to create short stage actions. 

The participants drew and cut out their own profile forms and prepared little stage actions to the topic 'What's on(in) my mind?' 

The participants worked with portable lights, screens and objects. 

Stage 3

The main aim of that stage was working with small screen and getting acquainted with classical shadow theatre.

The participants' task was to create their own scenarios as well as classical shadow forms and use them to build short etudes. This task brought closer the rules concerning shadow forms and enabled the participants to check their animation possibilities on the shadow screen.

The results of the workshop were presented twice, for the school society, and for the primary school students. Both presentations were successful and were met with positive reaction of the younger and older spectators.

During the workshop, the participants had the chance to see 5 performances in Wierszalin Theatre in Supraśl, Bialystok Puppet Theatre and Theatre Academy.

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